Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

Hope you had nice christmas days like we had! Happy New Year to each and everyone!

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

So I wish a nice and relaxed christmas time! Enjoy the good sides of life!

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

During my stay in Helsinki, Finland, I continued my series about observing and photographing tourists. 

Long time without any posts and news... But I've been busy... sometimes too busy. So here's an example of my latest publications. It's a story about the river Neckar which is the biggest one in the state Baden-Württemberg, my home state in Germany. But beside this, the Neckar is also playing a BIG role in the histoty, culture and nature of the region of course. The author of the story is Claudia List. The magazine was once again artur. So thanks to both for this really nice collaboration.

Sonntag, 16. September 2012

Funny scene I've seen on a street in Stuttgart during this summer. It's all about magic!

Freitag, 24. August 2012

Funny scenery which I saw during a one day trip to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Last week once more the newspaper 'Eßlinger Zeitung' published a story with photos of mine.
Mid/end August is harvest season of hops in the Lake constance area. Aurthor of the article is Andreas Steidel.

Samstag, 4. August 2012

Once again the story about the hotel/restaurant 'Hofgut Himmerlreich' was published in the last weeks. The german newspaper 'Eßlinger Zeitung' was so nice and printed the article in their issue.

Montag, 16. Juli 2012

The newspaper 'Stuttgarter Zeitung' published my series about the clowns who are working in the hospital for children, the 'Olgahospital'.
It was a great pleasure to work with the clowns and I'm really grateful that they gave me the oppertunity to follow them with my camera.

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

It was a pleasure to work again with the poet, musician, organiser, artist Nikita Gorbunov. This time I took the pictures for his upcoming new series with his partner Harry Kienzler. The series will be a wild mixture of poetry slam, music, comedy and a call of revolution at all. The evenings will be organised in the club named 'Zwoelfzehn' in Stuttgart city. Below the official add:

Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

Once again I had the pleasure to work for the magazin artur. This time the story is about a travel agency which is specialised for travelling with disabled people and their families.

Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

I'd like to post one of my latest publication. An article with my photos about a blind fitness trainer in Stuttgart. The one is published in the street paper Trott-war. So thank you for giving me the chance.

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Last weekend I had the oppertunity to shoot the concert of the Revival Tour Crew who stopped in Stuttgart. The head of them is the musician Chuck Ragan who you can see below. The concept is that 3,4 different singers, mostly with a punky and alternative backround share the stage and supporting each other. Thanks to Uncle M for the support.   

Montag, 23. April 2012

I had the oppertunity to publish the story about an islamic nursery service in the Stuttgart region again. So thanks to the "Eßlinger Zeitung" for his. 

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Just to let you know that the information to each series are translated and online in english now! So please, check my website:

Freitag, 23. März 2012

Once more a publication of the story I did together with the author Kristin Oeing about an islamic nursing service in the Stuttgart region. The article was published in the newspaper "Stuttgarter Zeitung" on the 28th February 2012.

Donnerstag, 1. März 2012

Here's my latest publication - released 28th February 2012. I had the pleasure and the opportunity to be part of a project named "Islam in Baden-Wuerttemberg". A handful of aurthors and photographers worked as pair on different stories about the islamic belief in daily life and society in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The author Kristin Oeing and myself worked about a story of an islamic nursing service in the Stuttgart region. In this way I'd like to thank the agency Zeitenspiegel to let me be part of this project.

Montag, 27. Februar 2012

In the coming days I will use my blog to publish a couple of pics I did in the past. The starter are two shoots I took during a concert of the New York based Hardcore band "MADBALL" in June 2010.
The venue was the club named "Esperanza" in the city of Schwaebisch Gmuned, Germany.

Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012

The german magazine ARTUR published the article of the author Andreas Steidel and me about the harvest of hops in the Lake Constance area.

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

First of all - Happy New Year! All the best for 2012!!!

Here's my latest published series about Germany's biggest custody to secure deportation - the JVA Büren. The series is published in the December issue of the street paper of the Stuttgart area -